Humanitarian Needs Identification Form
H6. Type of Issue and brief description:
Health Shelter Food and nutrition Water and Sanitation Logistics Other
H7. Brief description of situation
H8. Other Information:
MapFileName:T=j1 Latitude:T=tH3 Longitude:T=tH4 DateTime:T=tH0 Sender:T=j4 H2. Team ID:T=tH2 Date:T=tH3 H4.Time:T=tH4 H5. Address:T=tH5 H6a. Issue Food:M:=tH6a H6b. Issue Shelter:M:=tH6b H6c. Issue Food and nutrition:M:=tH6c H6d. Issue Water and Sanitation:M:=tH6d H6d. Issue Logistics:M:=tH6e H6f. Issue Other:M:=tH6f H7. Description of situation:T=tH7 H8. Other information:T=tH8 H9. Form completed by:T=tH9a H9. Title position:T=tH9b
Adapted from INSARAG Forms to Volume II, Man B ( as of 2022-08-03)
H1. GPS coordinates of key location Standard GPS format is: Map datum WGS84 (or other if indicated) If possible use decimal coordinates e.g. Lat ±dd.dddd° Long ±ddd.dddd° H2. Team ID of submitting team H3. Date need was seen in format DD/MM/YYYY H4. Time need was seen - 24hr clock using local time H5. Street address or local name of the need H6. Circle relevant needs categories: Health, Shelter, Food and nutrition, Water and Sanitation, Logistics or Other H7. Provide a brief description of the situation H8. Provide any other information