The Incident Status report allows you to send basic incident overview on emergency operations.
It includes:
In the upper left of the form is a SETUP button. Use it to customize the form title for your agency or group. It will remain as such until you change it. You can save your completed form to a file. It will save the info as a text file with the Date and Time as the text file name. This will allow you to reload the form with ALL saved data. You do this prior to submitting the form. Then you can open a new form and reload the saved HTML data and continue. Date/Times will be the previous, so change if needed. Now you can use any browser, save your form, (as many versions as you like), and then re-populate. Printing this form viewer page is dependent upon your selected printer and its settings. Various Web Browsers and and their viewing sizes are not all the same. Printing from a browsers print function may be different from the operating systems default print mode. Select what works for you, for both printing and viewing. You may print direct to the printer as a HTML or save as a PDF then print the PDF. In some instances Landscape mode may print better than Portrait.
6. Situation Summary as of Time of Report:
7. Future Outlook/Goals/Needs/Issues:
12. Number and Location(s) of Shelters Established:
Version 2.3