The Incident Status report allows you to send basic incident overview on emergency operations.

It includes:

  • Type of Incident
  • Situation Summary as of Time of Report:
  • Future Outlook/Goals/Needs/Issues:
  • County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Status
  • Local Disaster Declaration Status
  • Number of Confirmed Incident Injuries and Fatalities
  • Information if Evacuations have been implemented?

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 Form Info     
1. Incident Name: 2. WebEOC Incident (as applicable):
3. Incident Date/Time: 4. Report Version (Check one): Initial   Update   Final
5. Type of Incident (Check all that apply):
Severe Storm/Flood Pre-Planned Event HAZMAT
Severe Winter Weather Dam/Levee Utility Disruption
Public Health Active threats/ Civil Disturbance Earthquake
Fire Aircraft Disaster Other (Specify):

6. Situation Summary as of Time of Report:


7. Future Outlook/Goals/Needs/Issues:


8. County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Status (Check one):
Closed Activated
Hours of Operation:

Monitoring (minimal staffing)
Hours of Operation:
9. Local Disaster Declaration Status (Check one):
No declaration/Declaration not anticipated Declaration anticipated Local disaster declaration
  Date/time of declaration:
10. Number of Confirmed Incident Injuries: 11. Number of Confirmed Incident Fatalities:

12. Number and Location(s) of Shelters Established:


13. Have Evacuations Been Implemented?
No / None anticipated Yes (If yes, describe): Evacuations anticipated (Describe):
14. Date/Time of Report:
15. Report Submitted By:
16. Contact Info:

                           Version 2.3