Situation Report SITREP General
Exercise REAL EVENT Initial Report Update Report FINAL Report This form is also sent as plain text in the message body, for non Winlink Express users.
To Email/Radio Call Seperate multiple address with semicolon ; You can add/change prior to posting if needed.
This "SitRep" reports the status of critical services within a particular County, City, or jurisdication. It provides a quick “snapshot” of local conditions. This message is originated by Amateur Radio stations based on information received or as dictated by civil authorities.
This format is specifically designed to relay information about a variety of critical services in a compact and efficient manner. This form can be customized with a name by using the "Setup" button on the top right. This entry will stay with the form until you change it. The form also has a Save and Load feature that allows you to capture the data to re-use later. This saved information will use previous dates and times, so change as needed. Notice the file name that is saves the form as. It increments the time saved in minutes. Printing this form is dependent upon your selected printer and its settings. Various Web Browsers and and their viewing sizes are not all the same. Printing from a browsers print function may be different from the operating systems default print mode. Select what works for you, for both printing and viewing. You may print direct to the printer as a HTML or save as a PDF then print the PDF. In some instances Landscape mode may print better than Portrait.