Hawaii Siren Report
Date/Time Report Type: Monthly Test Real Event Siren Send To Entries will remain until you change or clear them Calls Signs of On-Site Operator(s)
Station Contact Name: Station Call sign
County: C & C of Honolulu Kauai Maui/Kalawao Hawaii (Big Island)
Latitude and longitude: LAT LON MGRS Grid
LAT/LON and MGRS default to the center of the grid square listed in Express Settings, unless a GPS is used or Lat/LON or MGRS must be entered manually. Without properly formatted GPS coordinates this form cannot be mapped in Winlink Express.
Comments Max Characters 220 MapFileName:T=j1 Siren Report Type:M:Monthly test,Real Event Siren=j12 Organization:T=j2 DateTime:T=j3 Latitude:T=j4 Longitude:T=j5 Sender:T=j6 Station Contact Name:T=j6a Operators:T=j7 Location:T=j8 County:M:C & C of Honolulu,Kauai,Maui/Kalawao,Hawaii (Big Island)=j15 MGRS:T=j9 Grid:T=j10 Siren Notification Status:T=j13a Filter1 Heard Siren:M:true,false=f1 Filter2 Did Not Hear Siren:M:true,false=f2 Filter3 Heard Aircraft or Mobile PA Warning:M:true,false=f3 Filter4 Other:M:true,false=f4 Comments:T=j14
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