The HICS 205A - Communications List provides information on all radio frequencies, telephone, and other communication assignments for each operational period.

NOTE: Default is a Combined (ALL) contact list, you can create a separate list for Internal and External contacts if desired and submit each one.
Modifications were made since this is delivered by radio.

Prepared by the Logistics Section Communications Unit Leader and given to the Planning Section Chief for inclusion in the Incident Action Plan (IAP).

Duplicate and provide to all recipients as part of the IAP. All completed original forms must be given to the Documentation Unit Leader. Information from the HICS 205A can be placed on the Organization Assignment List (HICS 203).

If additional pages are needed, use another HICS 205A and repaginate as needed.

1: Incident Name
Enter the name assigned to the incident.

2: Operational Period
Enter the start date (m/d/y) and time (using the 24-hour clock) and end date and time for the operational period to which the form applies.

3: Internal Contacts
Enter the appropriate contact information for internal contacts, hospital personnel, those in an activated Hospital Incident Management Team (HIMT) position, and other key staff.

If External Contacts
Enter the appropriate contact information for external agencies, organizations, key contacts.

4: Special Instructions
Enter any special instructions (e.g., using repeaters, secure-voice, private line [PL] tones, etc.) or other emergency communications. If needed, also include any special instructions for alternate communication plans.

Enter the appropriate contact information for external agencies, organizations, key contacts.

5: Prepared by Communications Unit Leader
Enter the name of the person preparing the form. A type name is the same as a signature for radio delivery. Enter date (mm/dd/yyyy), time prepared (24-hour clock), and facility.

More Information

You can save your completed HTML to a text file. This will allow you to reload the HICS205A with ALL entered form data. You do this prior to submitting the form. Then you can open a new 205A and load the saved HTML form data. NOTE: Date and Times will be the previous, so change if needed. This is much like using FireFox and the addon Formlet. It will save the info as a text file with the Date and Time as the text file name. Now you can use any browser, save your form, (as many versions as you like), and then re-populate.

Printing this form is dependent upon your selected printer and its settings. Various Web Browsers and and their viewing sizes are not all the same. Printing from a browsers print function may be different from the operating systems default print mode. Select what works for you, for both printing and viewing. You may print direct to the printer as a HTML or save as a PDF then print the PDF. In some instances Landscape mode may print better than Portrait.

This form allows you to Save and Re-load template data. It will use the previous Date and Times, and Page #, Etc. so change if needed.

You can enter data from a spreadsheet by copy and paste in the PopUp provided. You can also Export to a spreadsheet. This done with TAB delineation only. Be sure the field names and sizes match or data will not be correct. Suggest testing and learning this feature.

If desired you can clear the assignment data only, so you do not have to keep entering the information above it.
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                 HICS - Hospital Incident Command System    

   1. Incident Name     

         Page  Of      Facility     

   2. Operational Period    (#):                  

         Date From      to  

         Time From          to  

   3. Select Type of List      Default is ALL Contacts.  Create a seperate list for Internal and External Contacts if desired and Submit

                          Paste Assignment Data from a Spreadsheet             

 Radio Ch #
Telephone  Fax  Email  Mobile Phone  Pager
 ID # of Device Issued
& Comments

   4. Special Instructions

Prepared by
(CUL)     Date     Time      

                                                               Vers 9.5.3

Copy and Paste Data From Spreadsheet

Copy the data from the spreadsheet and paste in box below, then click "Parse Data"
Tab delineation only. Ensure fields match and entered data does not exceed field lengths, or HTML will miss some data.


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