Purpose. The Medical Plan (ICS 206) provides information on incident medical aid stations, transportation services, hospitals, and medical emergency procedures.
Preparation. The ICS 206 is prepared by the Medical Unit Leader and reviewed by the Safety Officer to ensure ICS coordination. If aviation assets are utilized for rescue, coordinate with Air Operations.
Distribution. The ICS 206 is duplicated and attached to the Incident Objectives (ICS 202) and given to all recipients as part of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). Information from the plan pertaining to incident medical aid stations and medical emergency procedures may be noted on the Assignment List (ICS 204). All completed original forms must be given to the Documentation Unit.
Notes: The ICS 206 serves as part of the IAP. This form can include multiple pages.
Travel Time
7. Prepared by (MUL):
8. Approved by (Safety Officer): Date/Time: IAP Page: ICS 206 Vers 14.2