Purpose. The Communications Resource Availability Worksheet is a template that users may fill out prior to an incident. An agency’s inter-operable channels and/or talk-groups can be entered on the form enabling a Communications Unit Leader to have the technical information readily available to complete an Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS Form 205). Easy-to-use ICS spreadsheet template fully compatible with the Winlink ICS 205 and 217: https://bit.ly/ICS205-Spreadsheet The file can be downloaded as an Excel or Openoffice document (File > Download).
In addition you can export the frequency data to a .xls file, again TAB delineation, for opening in a spreadsheet. It is suggested you test a few times to understand how this works. Once mastered these can be a time saver in the field for frequency data info via a spreadsheet. NOTE on printing.
Printing this form is dependent upon your selected printer and its settings. Various Web Browsers and and their viewing sizes are not all the same. Printing from a browsers print function may be different from the operating systems default print mode. Select what works for you, for both printing and viewing. You may print direct to the printer as a HTML or save as a PDF then print the PDF. In some instances Landscape mode may print better than Portrait.
Copy the data from the spreadsheet, then click the button "Parse Data" TAB delineation and entry data needs to not exceed HTML entry box input lengths.
Purpose. The Individual Log, while not required, records details of each individual’s activities. These logs provide a basic reference from which to extract information for inclusion in any after-action report.
Preparation. An Individual Log can be initiated and maintained by each member of the ICS. Completed logs are forwarded to supervisors who provide copies to the Documentation Unit.
Distribution. The Documentation Unit maintains a file of all Individual Logs. The original of each log MUST be submitted to the Documentation Unit.
Save a copy for yourself by sending to your E-mail or printing
Channel Configuration
Channel Name/Trunked Radio System Talkgroup
RX Freq
TX Freq
Mode A, D or M
The convention calls for frequency lists to show 4 digits after the decimal place, followed by either an N or a W, depending on whether the frequency is narrow or wide band. Mode A or D indicates analog or digital, M indicating mixed mode. All channels are shown as if programmed in a control station, mobile or portable radio. Repeater and base stations must be programmed with the Rx and Tx reversed.
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