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Yukon Amateur Radio Association (YARA) - About

Yukon Amateur Radio Association - Bennet

Link: Contacts, Directors, Committees, and Projects

The Yukon Amateur Radio Association (YARA) is a Yukon registered society with about 25 members throughout the Yukon. This is about half the authorized amateur radio operators in the Yukon.

Members are active in the community and often travel to hamfests in other areas. We are involved in real and simulated emergency communications situations. We practice ours skills through our daily "emergency preparedness net" as well as through communications in support of community events like the Canada Winter Games, the Klondike International Road Relay (“KRR”) and the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay (“KCIBR”). YARA provides support for communications for other community organizations.

We also have other sorts of fun with barbecues, an annual Christmas breakfast, "field day", radio sport contests (where operators try to make as many contacts around the world as they can in a 24 hour period) and every Saturday we get together for breakfast or coffee at the A & W in Whitehorse. Sometimes we even build things like small radios. Check out our links to photos on the Yahoo Groups and on Facebook.

We also help people get their Amateur Radio Operator Certificates and run courses.

We build and operate radio repeaters for emergency communications, chatting, and providing communications links for visitors travelling along Yukon highways. Our network of mountaintop repeaters covers all major highway corridors in the Yukon. Several of our units are above 7000 feet in mountaintop shelters. Our system is completely independent of commercial power. In many cases, when disaster strikes, amateur radio is the only form of telecommunications available. Check out the photos of repeater sites on this web site. You will be impressed. Some of these sites have been featured in local, national and international publications.

Our Club brochure has more information about our repeater network.

Come and learn more about us