Yukon Amateur Radio Association (YARA) header

YARA Directors and Committees 2024-25

Executive Committee:
President - Ian Macdonald - VY1IRM - president@yara.ca
Vice President - Michael Settle - VY1MGS - vicepresident@yara.ca
Secretary - Richard Stevens - VY1RSS - secretary@yara.ca
Treasurer - Adam Easton - VY1AE - treasurer@yara.ca
Past President - Scott Williamson - VY1SW - VY1CC

Membership - Malcolm Farrell - VY1FC - membership@yara.ca
Finance - Laura Williamson - VY1SW
Technical Advisor & BC Region - Jeff Stanhope - VA7JPS

YARA Champions and Projects:
AllStar - Charlie Gale, VY1CC
APRS - Charlie Gale, VY1CC
Comms Trailer Manger, Emergency Setups Project - Terry Hauff VY1MAP
D-STAR - David McWhinnie, VY1DM, Rob Hamelin, VY1RH
Echolink - Charlie Gale, VY1CC
Field Day Organizer - Allen Wooten VY1KX, Geoff VY1BG, Malcolm VY1FC
Races Comms Controller - Ray Fugard, VY1RF, Pam VY1PJB
IRLP - Charlie Gale, VY1CC
Facebook - Ray Fugard, VY1RF
Member Presentations at Meetings - Allen Wooton, VY1KX
QSL Card Manager - Allen Wooton, VY1KX
Reflector/email list (YARA business)- David Musselwhite, VY1XY
Repeater Development and Maintenance - Scott Williamson VY1SW, Jeff Stanhope VA7JPS, Charlie Gale, VE3XCC
Repeater status page (from telemetry data) - Charlie Gale VE3XCC
Winlink Station - Gord Settle, VY1GS, George Privett VY1GP; Allen Wooten, VY1KX
WSPR Beacon - Adam Easton, VY1AE; Yuuri Daiku, VY1YU
YARA Website - George Privett, VY1GP
Yukon Solutions (email group for radio topics) - Charlie Gale, VE3XCC

Email Contact Information:
YARA President: Ian Macdonald - VY1IRM, email: president@yara.ca
YARA Membership: Malcolm Farrell, VY1FC, email: membership@yara.ca
YARA Reflector group email: David Musselwhite, VY1XY, email: reflector@yara.ca
Yukon Solutions group email: Charlie Gale, VY1CC, email: solutions@yara.ca
YARA Website: George Privett, VY1GP, email: webmaster@yara.ca

YARA Mailing Address:
YARA, c/o
Box 2703, EMO
Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 2C6