Remembering Ray Fugard VY1RF
Ray and YARA activites
Ray Fugard known as "Radio Ray", not from his amateur radio activities, but because when he lived in Dawson City, was a volunteer who helped start the Dawson community radio station, was station manager, and DJ. He loved his music. He was a member of YARA for about 20 years volunteered as volunteer race co-ordiator, calling the Emmergency Preparedness Net, and helping on other projects. Ray was also the "Mile Post" of radio, helping visiting hams with information about lodges, gas stations and points of interest, and was on-call to assist with emergencies.
FaceBook video - Ray's Community
YARA Photos
2018 Klondike Chilcat Bike Race - 1
2018 Klondike Chilcat Bike Race - 2
2019 Operation Nanook -1
2019 Operation Nanook -2
2021 Comms Trailer Project
2020 Klondike Road Relay