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YARA Silent Keys

"The expression “SK” has two meanings in Amateur Radio.

In the world of working CW (Morse Code) “SK” is a prosign or procedural signal (shorthand) for indicating a final transmission in a message or “QSO” (radio contact). A more common meaning of “SK” refers to a Silent Key; a term of respect for a deceased amateur radio operator.

Silent Key is a dignified term going back to wired telegraphy and later adopted in the early days of amateur radio. It was used to honor a CW operator whose key is now “silent” and will not be heard again. This tradition has carried over into modern times when voice, video and data have been added to the amateur radio repertoire. Considering the prosign “SK” as “end of transmission,” the double meaning is very fitting.

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VY1AU Bill Champagne

VY1AK Terry (July 5, 1947 - May 5, 2019)

VY1FNSTerry Maher, orginally from Alaska, was president of YARA for a few years and was instrumental in getting the first comms trailer and getting YARA involved in emergency preparedness and Nanook exercises. He lived in Copper Ridge and most days drove down to EMO to use the HF radio to check in to the the HF nets.
Photo Credit, Yukon News, Yukon News Jan 11, 2013, YARA photo, Facebook photos, YouTube - YARA Trailer, July 5, 2015

VY1BM Brian Monahan

VY1BMPhoto credit Whitehorse Star
Whitehorse Star, Yukon News





VY1CM Bob (June 6, 1953 - Sept 14, 2014)

VY1CMRobert Leslie Boisvert, grew up in Calgary and moved to Mayo in 1980 where is worked for the Norther Power Commission and later Yukon Energy. He was involved in YARA and emergency communications.Obituary




VY1FNS Fearon (Nov 11, 1978 - Sept 24, 2024)

VY1FNSFearon Steel became a radio enthusist shortly after highschool. Work and family responsiblities later limited his time, but he would drop into the YARA A&W and Christmas breakfasts, and check in to the Net whenever he could.
Church Service, YARA Photos



VY1RF Ray (Feb 9,1954 - Jan 6, 2025)

VY1RFRay Fugard known as "Radio Ray", not from his amateur radio activities, but because when he lived in Dawson City, was a volunteer who helped start the Dawson community radio station, was station manager, and DJ. He loved his music. He was a member of YARA for about 20 years volunteered as volunteer race co-ordiator, calling the Emmergency Preparedness Net, and helping on other projects.
YARA photos, Obituary, Amateur Radio Newsline

VY1RM Ron (Dec 22, 1942 - Jul 13, 2023)

VY1RMRon McFadyen was a founding member of YARA and president many times. He initiated the development of the first YARA repeater, that time on Grey Montain and many other YARA projects and was always organizing work parties. He was affectionately called, "Ron, I have and idea".
Obituary, CBC Story, Whitehorse Star

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